'Around 80% of Cyber Attacks Could Be Prevented' With Just Five Basic Security Controls


By taking advantage of the guidance and support provided by Cyber Essentials, businesses can better protect themselves against cyber attacks and maintain the security of their sensitive information.

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed cyber security certification that provides a set of basic security controls to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber threats. It helps businesses of all sizes to demonstrate their commitment to cyber security and protect their networks against a range of common cyber attacks.

Having Cyber Essentials certification is important for businesses as it helps to protect against cyber attacks and data breaches, which can result in significant financial losses, harm to reputation and damage to customer trust. Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent, so it’s important for businesses to take proactive measures to protect themselves.

By having Cyber Essentials certification can help businesses of all sizes improve their cyber security posture and protect against common cyber threats. It demonstrates a commitment to cyber security and can help build trust with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.


The Cyber Essentials scheme is a world-leading, cost-effective assurance mechanism for organisations of all sizes to help demonstrate to customers and other stakeholders that the most important basic cyber security controls have been implemented.

4a Canberra House, St Albans, AL1 1LE

01727 222899